
Agriculture in the future

The majority of the world today live in urban areas.
This proportion is growing rapidly, and in 2050 estimated the population could reach 70 percent of the world's population.

When city life becomes increasingly dominant, we became increasingly distant from our food sources.
On average, large cities to import 6,000 tons of food each day, with an average distance of 1700 miles between farmers and consumers.
These statistics convey two key points: the urban population is very much can be disconnected from their food source, and delivery system of agriculture is highly dependent on fuel.

This prototype is a response to the inefficiency of the current system, and aims to empower urban residents to produce food in their daily lives.
Designed as an affordable and easy to use.

Sill farm

"Designed for city apartments, this prototype fits in a standard window housing a small greenhouse near the windows and fish tanks are connected to provide organic nutrients to tanaman.Tanaman toxic waste is also a filter for the fish to optimize natural light is available, so reduce demand for electricity. "


Desk farm

"Most people who work in offices occupy a windowless room. Imagine the possibilities for improving production in the workplace, coupled with his own harvest lunch off the table"


Tray farm

"Using the road corridors in an office or apartment"


light farm

"Being 8 feet above the sidewalk, the units developed would be maintained and harvested by a system of existing city employees who maintain other green spaces, gathering trash, and clean up the streets."


Green house

"utilize part of the house for agriculture, for example the roof."


Growing cities

"Just as Greenhouse also utilize the roof of the building."


Translated from kaskus.us

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