
'SCREAM 4' Will Immediately Created?

Three times had David Arquette played in the movie SCREAM director of Wes Craven. At first everyone thought would be just SCREAM trilogy of course and there would be no fourth section. But David said later that Wes had a plan to make the fourth.

"Well, Wes had agreed, Neve Campbell also agreed," explained David Arquette with certainty. Indeed there is no certainty that this trilogy will be David's tetralogy, but this statement is implying that the plan is there though to reach the production stage are still many processes that must be overcome.

SCREAM was first made in 1996 and continued with the second part, entitled SCREAM 2 a year later. The third part follows a long, three years later and still carried the story that was far different. When David Arquette as optimistic, Courteney Cox, his wife, who also played in this movie just a little pessimistic.

"I know they're all trying to make this fourth part can be made. I hope they succeed," said Courteney, as quoted from Splash News.


  1. wah aq bingung sob mau koment gmn cz aq gk bsa bhs inggris

  2. Lapor!!! "Inetview" sudah nongkrong di "ROCK". Laporan selesai...

  3. @Rival = Okelah kalo beg beg begitu (^_^)
    @ROCK = Laporan Di terima komandan. :D

  4. aq g bisa bhsa inggris sob... laporan aja.... link kamu dah aq pasang silakan lihat

  5. scream yang 2 dah nonton.. kayaknya yang ini lebih sereem nih.. oh iya
    lampor.. haiyah.. lapor juga.. link sobat InetView dah ane pasang.. cek disini .. maturnuwun.. kepareng...

  6. It's really incredible movie. I have seen just promo of this movie and found it awesome.
