
Environmentally Friendly Travelling Tips

The big question above is based on the fact that the more frequent trips to do it will be the more natural resources are used. It is also related to how much pollution is generated, how much waste is generated, and how large the perceived environmental damage.

The number of trips taken by the world's population in each month. Whether it's by plane, ship, train or private vehicle, all of which use gasoline as a source of energy. Then, how many hotels and inns to provide rooms - rooms are brightly - lit pencahayaannnya and how much energy is used for purposes other electronic equipment.

Vacation / trip is exciting, but unwittingly trip can give a bad impact on the environment, especially in terms of carbon emissions. Moreover, not infrequently a tourist area that previously has stunning scenery, damaged by the visit of the travelers who do not care about nature conservation in the tourism site.

What to consider before leaving for a tour?


10 Ways to Be Creative

 Creativity is the supporting factors of success that is priceless. Whether creativity can be trained? Could, but it will not happen overnight and need to be trained continuously however, creativity can be a talent a person has from birth. Then how to exercise our creativity?

Here are 10 ways to be creative >>